Black Rock Primary School - Student Leaders



Student Leaders

School Captains and Vice Captains

Our school captains for 2023 are Emelia, Heidi, Sam and Harry.

The role of our School Captains and Vice Captains is to be ambassadors for our school and to provide a student leadership face for Black Rock Primary School.

Leadership Program

At Black Rock Primary School, all Year 6 students have the opportunity to display leadership qualities through our Leadership Program. These roles include - 

  • Buddy Captains 
  • Red, Blue, Green and Gold House Captains 
  • Green Team Leaders
  • Library Captains
  • Lunch Club Coordinators
  • Music Captains
  • P.E Captains
  • Photography Captains
  • STEM Captains
  • Wellbeing Captains
  • Yearbook Captain



The Student Voice Team

At Black Rock Primary School, we are committed to having students participate and make key decisions about what happens within the school and its community. We believe that better decisions are made within a school if everyone who is affected by those decisions is involved in making them in some way. We are also aware that students know things that others (teachers, parents, administrators) often don’t – just as teachers and others know things that students may not. Therefore, having this knowledge available in the decision-making process will result in a wiser decision. And because students have been involved, it’s more likely that the actions based on the decisions will be more effectively implemented. The Student Voice Team is another area of opportunity for students to experience leadership, and have input into the development, of our school. 

A child from each grade in Year 3 to Year 5 is elected by their peers for a 6-month term of office. The School Captains are automatically included and are expected to lead the JSC meetings as part of their leadership role. The Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 children are represented by the Year 6 and 5 children.

The Junior School Council meets once per month and is chaired by the School Captains. They discuss any issues raised by the children of the various grades, as well as perform a range of mainly social activities around the school.