Black Rock Primary School - Visual Arts

Visual Arts

“The main object of Art education consists of helping in the emotional, intellectual and social growth of each child.” Charles d. Gaitskell.

The Visual Arts gives students the opportunity to freely express, explore and experiment in a range of materials, tools and techniques, which will enrich their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

At Black Rock Primary School the Visual Arts Program is taught in line with the Victorian Curriculum and will be implemented at all levels. Students will have the opportunity to explore the art areas of drawing, collage, painting, printmaking, construction, modelling and threads and textiles. Students will develop and incorporate the art elements of, colour and value, line, space, form, texture and shape within the making of these art areas. The Visual Arts program will incorporate the study of various artists, art theory and link into topics and integrated studies of work throughout the school.

Visual art diaries will be used to plan, document and record observations of their artworks.

The Visual Arts program is conducted on a weekly basis. Art lessons are 45mins.


 Visual Art classes focus around students participating in a variety of art experiences, exploring ideas, observations and using their imagination to create works. Students will have the opportunity to work with different materials, techniques and develop their skills in their artworks. During art lessons, students are encouraged to make and share their artworks with peers and to work independently and work co-operatively in-group settings. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on the works of various artists’ styles and cultural artworks.

 Levels 1&2

In Visual Art classes, students make, respond and examine a variety of artworks and are developing a greater awareness of artists and their different art forms. Students will have the opportunity to experiment and explore with different materials and techniques and encouraged to use a variety of tools and processes to make artworks. Through a variety of art topics, students will develop increasing skills, techniques and understandings about their works. They will be encouraged to communicate ideas, concepts and observations from other cultures and artists artworks.

Levels 3&4

In Visual Art classes, students explore ideas and concepts from a range of cultures, comparing observations to their own works. Students are encouraged to use a variety of materials, techniques and processes, specific to the making of their artworks. They plan, discuss and evaluate their work making comparisons with other artists and their art making processes. They experiment in a variety of skills, use art elements and can identify art principles in works. Students are encouraged to design, plan and evaluate units of work in their art diaries.

Levels 5&6

In Visual Art classes, students demonstrate and use a wide range of skills, techniques and processes in the planning and making of their works. They experiment with a variety of skills, tools, materials and technologies, (ipads) in planning and documenting their artistic practice. Students, discuss, describe and identify the influence and styles of artists and concepts from a range of cultures, comparing observations to their own works. In art lessons, students will be encouraged to use their art diaries to plan art-making processes and evaluate units of work. In Term four, Level six students will produce a graduation art piece.

